Benefits of Membership
- Member Code of Ethics
- Our uniform code of ethics, subscribed to by all members, establishes trust within the philatelic community.
- International recognition
- The NSDA is the USA representative for the International Federation of Stamp Dealers (IFSDA). Only one dealer organization per country is allowed and we are the US affiliate. IFSDA dues are paid on your behalf out of your NSDA dues. You get a bi-annual membership roster, quarterly newsletter, and your membership card

Visit the IFSDA website
- Available Collectibles Insurance
- Insurance coverage on all collectibles, including worldwide mail coverage, is available at reasonable rates through one of our members.
- Reduced Rate for Expertising Fees from Professional Stamp Experts
- A reduced 4% fee, a $400 maximum fee & the fastest turnaround possible.
- Quarterly Newsletter
- The quarterly members-only newsletter, NSDA News is sent to all members. Members are entitled to a free 25-word ad in each issue.
- Toll-free telephone access to NSDA
- Toll Free office number: (800) 875-6633. Talk about your ideas and concerns. We are the only major stamp organization to offer a toll free number.
- Annually publshed membership directory
- Distributed at major stamp shows.
- Internet Exposure on the NSDA website
- Free website listing in the online member directory with email and website links. Free classified and display ads on the NSDA website.
- Dealer Courtesy Booth at National APS Shows
- The NSDA maintains a dealer courtesy booth for our members at the two National APS shows. The booth offers a place sit and relax, to distribute informational flyers and personnel who help direct "walk-in collections" to our member dealers on the show floor.
- Dealer-only Bourses at National Stamp Shows
- It there is sufficient interest, we sponsor a "dealers only" bourse at the semi-annual National APS Stamp Shows. Only NSDA members are eligible to sell, and only a nominal fee (usually less than $100) is charged sellers. NSDA members, plus members of IFSDA, ASDA and foreign dealer associations are admitted free.
- Arbritation Committee
- Your membership in an organization that offers complaint arbitration enhances your professional standing with the philatelic community.
- Yearly Annual Meeting
- Usually at the APS show in August.